presenting SAEROM JEONG
DATE: 10th - 18th of October
Saerom Jeong is a Korea-based artist who beautifully captures characters in dreamy natural settings. The mythical environment that Saerom's characters are surrounded by, takes them to a place where thoughts are able to float. "Dreaming Awake" takes you to places where self-reflection begins. Those moments are important to reconnect and find balance within our body & soul.
Saerom's unique painting technique reveals strong textures by working with sturdy as well as fine brushes that beautifully merge the different layers of paint. Saerom's current paintings are dominated by primary colours such as blue which gives depth to the painting and green which represents harmony and balance.
CON is very proud to introduce Saerom and we are excited to be part of her growth process. For interest in Saerom Jeong's paintings please reply to this email and tell us which work you would like to collect.